Monday 18 September 2017

Edit in futuristic style

This edit is in the style of Christian Stoll. It is taken from a viewpoint but a different viewpoint from where he took his picture as mine was taken from below and his was taken from above. I have changed the building to black and white which juxtaposes the blue of the sky and the grey of the building. This picture is taken in Sheffield whilst his is taking his in New York City. I would improve my image by using more leading lines in the picture and adding some colour into the building, similar to him. I adjusted the exposure on the camera as well as the shutter speed so that the picture wasn't too dark.

This picture connotes height and feeling inferior and denotes buildings. I edited this image by unlocking the layer and then using the magnetic lasso tool to select the building and adjusting the tone to black and white. The image is futuristic because the black and white resembles the steel work which relates to where the picture was taken. It is also futuristic because the building is
modern. I would make this picture more futuristic by showing some sort of movement like Christian Stoll has above and showing the technology and engineering within Sheffield. The themes this photo shows is colour, contrast, modern buildings and viewpoint.

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