Monday 18 September 2017

Surrealism Research

Surrealism is an art movement created in the 1920's by Andre Breton. Surrealism focus on things that are different from reality. It has no pattern or structure and focuses on dreams and leaving reality. It is Make believe and Unconventional. Surrealism works on the element of surprise which creates unexpected juxtaposing images.

Kylli Sparre was originally a ballet dancer who realised it wasn't the path for her. Now she is a photographer who focuses on the art movement of surrealism by using her passion for dance. This pictures connotes escaping reality and having a clouded mind. I enjoy the idea of escaping reality and I enjoy dancing which is why I have chosen to study this photographer.
Jerry Uelsmann is a photography teacher who works in a surrealistic style. He focuses on openings to places by using photoshop. His photography regularly includes entrances such as gates, doors and trap doors. This connotes his optimism for new beginnings.

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