Wednesday 27 September 2017

Portrait photography

Annie Leibovotz is an American portrait photographer who's photography is inspired by Robert Frank and Henri Cartier-Bresson. Annie Leibovitz's work is all involving celebrities and works in the style of imagination and the dreamworld. Because she came from a family of 6 who moved around a lot she wouldn't have received a lot of attention which may be why she decided to start a career in photography, especially photographing famous people. This photo creates meaning because the girls eyes are piercing which connotes sadness. Furthermore, the use of dirt on her face and the shot type of an extreme close up shows that she is a neglected child which creates a powerful image. This relates to how Annie was brought up herself. The photographer focuses on colour, emotion and viewpoint. The most common models he has photographed are John Lennon on the day he was assassinated and Kate Moss, amongst many overs.

Richard Avedon is an American portrait and fashion photographer who's photos uncover the hidden personalities of his models. In particular, he photographs celebrity's such as Marilyn Monroe and Barak Obama. This picture is a black and white image of Marilyn Monroe looking lost whilst looking beautiful. This represents that being in the public eye and being pretty doesn't make you happy. The photographer has focused on composition, black and white, emotions and lighting. The shot type used is a medium close up to show how the model is in a natural environment and to show her natural beauty.

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