Friday 29 September 2017

Portrait edit

This edit is in the style of both Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz. Annie Leibovitz is an American portrait photographer who photographs celebrities such as John Lennon and Kate Moss. Her inspiration comes from Robert Frank and Henri Cartier-Bresson. Richard Avedon is an American portrait and fashion photographer. His work focuses on uncovering the hidden emotions of his models. Neither of the photographers work is in the style of an art movement and both of the photographers work is figurative because it features people. The shot type Annie Leibovitz has used in the picture I am recreating is an extreme close up to show the sadness in the girls face and therefore make the audience feel emotive towards the pictures. Furthermore, the use of colour is used in the eyes to make them piercing and make the image personal to you because it is as though the girl is looking at you. The angle used is a straight on angle to connote that the girl is exactly like you which makes you feel her sadness. Because the picture is an extreme close up leading lines and dept of field haven’t been considered as you can only see the foreground and leading lines are usually used to draw your attention to something specific in a busy picture but this picture is just a simple image of the face. The picture looks like it was taken in a studio which means artificial lighting will have been used through spotlights and other lights. The shutter speed used will have been slow as there is no movement In the image. A small aperture would have bee used so that the picture wasn’t overexposed  because of the slow shutter speed allowing a lot of light in. The shot type Richard Avedon used is a medium close up to how the beauty of Marilyn Monroe by showing what she is wearing. The picture was taken in black and white as the time it was taken was when they didn’t have coloured cameras. Similar to Annie Leibovitz, the picture is taken from a straight angle to connote that Marilyn Monroe, although famous is just like us and isn’t necessarily happy despite her status. This is shown through her facial expression. Leading lines and Depth of field are not considered because the picture is a portrait. The shutter speed used will be slow and the aperture will be small so that the picture isn’t overexposed. This is especially important because of the use of black and white. The lighting used is studio lighting. I created this edit on photoshop In the style of both photographers by adjusting the colour to black and white and then using the magnetic lasso tool around the mouth and lips and then adjusting the colour balance so the eyes were made blue and the lips were made pink. This is in the style of Richard Avedon and Annie Leibovitz because Annie Leibovitz took the photograph of the girl with the piercing eyes which connoted sadness which is similar to mine. Although in my picture the girl is smiling the use of piecing colour through the black and white in the style of Richard Avedon is supposed to represent how she really feels.I have taken this photograph in natural light and used a public background to make my model seem unaware of her beauty and make my picture slightly different from the  photographers I have studied . I would improve this picture by getting my model to wear something different and by making her look lost so it seems like there is more to the story than just her beauty. I havent considered leading lines because the photographers I studied didn’t. I have however considered depth of field because the background is of a public area. I have made my depth of field sharp so you can see both the foreground and the background.  Because I have used natural lighting I used a small aperture and a slow shutter speed so the picture wasn’t overexposed.

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