Wednesday 13 September 2017

Futurism Research

Eadward Muybridge-pioneer
Less is more
Untraditional, unconventional, hate for art of the past
Italian Art Movement
Danger, energy, speed, daring, aggression, war and anti-nature
Literature, Visual arts. theatre, the crafts, music and photography
Founder-Poet Marinetti
Celebration of modern technology, scientific discoveries speed and city life
Motifs-Cars, Aeroplanes, building construction

Art Movements-Futurism, surrealism, cubism, brutalism, post modernism, realism
Zoopraxiscope-This is an early device for displaying modern pictures, created by Edward Muybridge in 1879. It may have been considered the first film projector.

This picture was created by Anton Giulio Bragaglia who is an Italian photographer. This picture denotes movement and connotes how
people have more than one side to them. The black and white denotes the time it was taken. I will apply this to my work by adjusting my shutter speed so it take pictures of people moving. I will use this in the subject of sport to capture movement.

This picture was created by Christian Stoll to show the movement within a city. It is taken from a viewpoint to make the picture look abstract. The picture denotes buildings and connotes the bustling city. I will use this idea in my photography as I will photograph busy areas and use leading lines. The yellow represents the colour of the taxis which shows that the picture is taken in New York city and the grey represents the buildings.

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