Thursday 12 October 2017


Theme ideas
    Image result for suicide photographyImage result for depression photographyImage result for reflections of people
  • What you don't see/beyond the eye -jobs, emotions, wealth, mental health, physical health. Surrealistic style. Focus on composition and black and white to show emotions. Portraits mostly. Close ups of the face and medium close ups of the body. Landscape element based on where the pictures are taken. I will photograph people now based in comparison childhood. For example I'm going to photograph my mum who grew up in a council estate in front of where it used to be but as she is now earning a lot of money.
  • Different parts of the day and different weather
  • Sunset/sunrise
  • Milestones in life
Christian Hopkings is a 20 year old photographer who suffers with clinical depression. Because of this, his photographs focus on the dark emotions and thoughts he experiences which create a narrative. All of his pictures focus on the different mental health issues such as depression, anorexia and anxiety. This relates to my theme of photography as depression is a mental health issue that isn't visible to the naked eye. I will therefore use his work as inspiration to show the things you feel but cannot see. He works in a surreal style because his pictures arn't pictures you would see everyday. His pictures are nearly always in black and white which denotes his emotions. His pictures are nearly always taken against black backgrounds which means he has to use a large aperture so you can see the subject of the photograph. I will recreate these images by working in a surreal style which shows the way people feel but the things you can't see.

Toby Dixon is an Australian photographer who focuses on split personality order through his photography. His pictures are taken on a plain background so that he doesn’t over complicate his pictures. His pictures are in a surrealistic style as they’re showing a hybrid of personality’s and that isn’t something you can physically see. He hasn’t used photoshop on any of his pictures, what you see is exactly how he created it. I will work in this style by showing personality’s on the outside of the body in a hybrid style. I will show different characteristics on each side and occupations. His pictures are taken in a studio using studio lighting which earns he will have a small aperture and a small shutter speed as there is no movement. He has considered both narrative and composition in his pictures as each side of the body connotes something different.

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